Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Father's Day "No mom's allowed" camping extravaganza weekend, without the camping part (No Mom's Allowed,remember)

While Rob and the kids went camping near the San Luis Valley with all the other dads and kiddos, I opted out of climbing all weekend (Gasp!) to work on a house project (major Gasp!) Yes, I, Lisa worked on the house and it was not the twin I don't actually have but it really was me! Now that the shock is subsiding I will share what I did in just two and a half days by myself!

Friday, Day 1:
I cleaned out Raya's room and took down the climbing walls. This sounds like no big deal, but let me tell you it was a serious workout. The walls are incredibly heavy. This took the majority of the day as there were many hidden and very stubborn screws, combine this with lost tools and the hope of the wall not crashing down on me really made this day a success. I then started painting the ceiling. Ugh! Painting over a sky takes more than one coat.

Saturday, Day 2:
I arose at 6:45am (another Gasp!) to continue the daunting ceiling. Of course I ran out of paint and had to go to Home Depot for the 3rd time in 2 days. I then had to buy new paint and do the whole ceiling over as the previous color was discontinued. After a minor tantrum when I got home I turned the music up and got to work. I would have finished in an hour and a half, but no, the extension pole snapped while I painted and I had to make another trip to the ol' HD. Finally! I finished painting (planned on this being done Friday.) I then moved Rob and my bedroom up to Raya's. Yes, I moved everything myself, with the exception of the climbing walls, my neighbor helped me move those out. I cleaned up six years of dust under our bed and made a new room! At this point it was 4 o'clock. I decided Raya needed a new dresser, so off I went. Two hours later I came home with a new comforter for my bed, a dresser and nightstand for Raya, beach towels, baskets for shoes, two little rugs and "chair" pillows for the kids. Yikes, definitely not in the budget!
By midnight, I had cleaned out and reorganized EVERY closet, set up the den (Rob and my old makeshift room that lasted six years) as a kid hang out and created my room as a wonderful haven instead of a storage closet. For the first time in six years I slept in an uncluttered room!

Sunday, Day 3:
I arose at 7 this morning and got to work! I brought Raya's dresser up and set up her side of the room (for those of you who don't know our set up, the kids have always slept in the same room. They have chose this, even though they have, well now had, their own rooms. We asked if they wanted to sleep in their own rooms last week and both adamantly declined.) I cleaned up and set up Kellan's room as Raya and Kellan's room officially (until we move.) I then loaded 8 trash bags and a futon mattress in the car for Goodwill. It filled my car and felt great!
I finished the set up of everything at 11:30am. An amazing feat for someone who NEVER does house projects except for the occasional gardening. I even managed to fit in a bike ride with Cait!
Now I await the reaction of my family. Robert is particular (to put it mildly) about the house and his stuff. I did not get rid of any of Rob's stuff by the way.
They should be back in a couple of hours. Dumduhdumdum...

1 comment:

Carrie said...

WOW!!! I never could have accomplished that much in 2 1/2 days!! My kids' rooms still aren't painted because I spend all of my time cooking, doing dishes and laundry! Maybe I'll send my family away for a few days and get something else done! You're my hero!