Sunday, March 30, 2008

Watercourse Foods- Yum!

Rob and I went on a date last night to Watercourse Foods. It was so incredibly good! It is so refreshing to eat vegetarian done well.

While we were there I ran into an old friend from my master's program. He told me about working at the same school we student taught at together as well as a hand full of other people from our cohort who still work there, and all have kids now (one with twins.) As we talked he looked older, definitely a thirty something now, not a twenty something like when we hung out. I am really starting to feel older! Maybe I should just embrace it, instead of fight it...

I've been thinking about my PhD lately. Seeing Chris again made me realize how much I love school and how going back is something that is definitely going to be a part of my future and sooner rather than later!

Watercourse is cool, maybe the next time I go I'll have another revelation.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

weird... pat wilson, pete link, cy, and i were there last night, but it was too crowded, so we went to Steuben's instead. cy said he saw you guys in the window, but we thought he was just being cy... we saw DISCO MOUNTAIN as well as SURREAL NEIL and SUPER DIAMOND last night at the Ogden. What a hoot. Everyone should get their "free to be" freak-on with some "Cracklin' Rosie" and "Car Wash..." on a Saturday Night... Just like 1976, before you were born, remember kids?